Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is Music?

Some of you know that I am also a musician, guilty as charged. Don't you think I ever sit down and think what music is really to me? Never. Nadar. Ergo, now let's gather and discuss what music actually is to us.
Credits to The Committee for Musical Arts with the University of Oregon

It is a chain of beautiful melody and appropriate pauses, some people consider music exactly this way. They see it as plainly entertainment. I do too, but my devastating difference lies in the fact that I can't live without music. They can listen to music and now and then and tell us, "Music is my number N-th, so what if there's no music in life? Life goes on." Not mine. Music is my refuge. Music is a wave rambling and rioting through the sky and it creates an impact as massive as a tsunami. It binds me and it moves me but it is also a power for me: an energy that motivates me everyday and that gives me electricity in my both hands to move other people and mountains.
Credits to

It is emotions. It is how our feelings would sound like, someone says. It is an expression as well thought as a painting, not just a tune straight from your chest. I am sure you possess great feelings toward music as well and, as importantly, personal thoughts on it. What is music to you? Sing it here and share it with me and the rest of the world!

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