Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello World!

OK. It's been a long time since I last blogged. How long have I not blogged? Well, a few years. The last time I did was when I was in last year of college, so you can pretty much guess how old I am now. After a couple of years of hiatus, I am suddenly struck by an inspiration lighting, to blog about something other than me. You know, not that old personal blog. This time, I'll try to blog about art, music and maybe culture. I'll start quite slowly, you know I'm still learning as well on this topic. I didn't have a formal training or educations on these topics, so as and when I find something interesting when I read on the internet or books, I'll re-share it here :)

Leave your comments, start following me. And I'll probably do likewise. Have a good last day of January 2011! :)

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